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Now playing

I just added a new page to the Wandering Lion blog containing five albums I’m currently listening to most frequently, dubbed “now playing”. All five albums on the now playing list come with a short description allowing you to quickly get a glimpse of what I think of it. As of lately, I’m not able to post as much as I would have wanted, seeing that with two young kids time seems to slip away through my fingers like sand. So to solve this little conundrum, I started to post more short stories while simultaneously working on some more in-depth features. This new page is an additional way that allows me to share more music with you and takes me less time to write, but still stays true to my mission of bringing you music with a tale. It is also a challenge for me to describe an album in three sentences and still get you excited to start listening.

The initial list is a mixture of Funk, Ska, Reggae, Jungle and Latin as if I just tossed some albums in the blender but I think it came out pretty nicely. I will update the now playing page regularly with a new album. The last album on the list will drop off by each update. I wanted to stick with five albums, or at least for now, as to not have a endless list which can feel a bit too heavy. I’m not the only one with time restraints, so listening to five new albums a month can already be quite the challenge in this fast paced life we are living. Still need more? Than you can check out the other articles I shared until now. I’m sure there something among the 72 articles that will pique your interest.

I’m very curious to see what you think of the now playing page, so drop a message in the comment section or simply press the heart icon!

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